Jeg kendte ikke til bandet Department of Eagles, før de udgav det anmerlderroste album "In Ear Park" i 2008. Og det var faktisk først efter, jeg hvde forelsket mig i albummet, at jeg fandt ud af, at Daniel Rossen fra Grizzly Bear er den ene halvdel af duoen; den anden halvdel er hans roommate fra college Fred Nicolaus. De har netop udgivet albummet "Archives 2003-2006", som er en samling af uudgivede sange fra samme periode. Videoen er dog min yndslingssang fra 2008-albummet, mens sangen "While We're Young" er fra det nye album. Sidstnævnte er vokset mere og mere på mig de sidste par dage, så jeg glæder mig til at få lyttet til resten af albummet
I hadn't heard of Department of Eagles before they released the amazing 2008 album "In Ear Park". Daniel Rossen from Grizzly Bear is one half of the duo, the other half is his roommate from college Fred Nicolaus. The music isn't as catchy as Grizzly Bears, but I love this record and the beautiful songs on it. They just released an album with a bunch of unreleased song , "Archives 2003-2006", where the song "While We're Young" is from. The song in the video is from the 2008 album, and is my favourite song from the album!
Mp3: Department of Eagles - "No One Does it Like You"
Mp3: Department of Eagles - "While We're Young"
Mp3: Department of Eagles - "While We're Young"