
The New Pornographers


En gruppe jeg altid har holdt meget af, er den canadiske indie-supergruppe The New Pornographers. De har efterhånden eksisteret i en del år og har et par albums i baggagen, men de formår stadig at lave fantatsisk indie-rock på den helt klassiske måde. Deres nye album "Together" udkommer til maj, så jeg synes lige, at jeg ville dele nogle sange herfra. Og som en lille bonus en af mine yndlingssange fra albummet "Challengers" fra 2007.

I have always been very fond of the Canadian indie group The New Pornographers. They have been around for quite a while, but they still have the ability to make classic indie rock and make it seem relevant and not outdated. Their new album "Together" is out soon, so i thought I would share two songs from it. And as a bonus, one of my favourite songs from the album "Challengers" from 2007.

Source: tashed.com, culturebully.com

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