
White jeans..?!

Jeg har aldrig været den store fan af hvide jeans. Men efter at have set smukke Alexandra Spencer fra bloggen 4thandbleeker i dette fine outfit, tænker jeg, at jeg måske skal droppe konventionerne og hoppe ud i et par...

Usually I'm not a big fan of white jeans. But after seeing these pictures of the gorgeous Alexandra Spencer of 4thandbleeker, I think I might just have to give it a try.


More clogs..

Faldt over disse fine clogs som også er fra Zara. Tror vist snart jeg må et smut forbi, og se om de har fået dem, for synes de er ret fantastiske!

Love these clogs from Zara!

Source: Carolinesmode


Some budget shopping for spring?

Fine nye ting hos Monki. Tog et hurtigt kig i butikken i går, og skjorten var super fin, så tror vist snart jeg må tilbage igen..

New stuff at Monki.


More than this

Todays oldie but goldie. Amazing!

Mp3: Roxy Music - "More than this" (click right and save)


When you are in need of a little inspiration..

you know where to turn! Mark The Cobrasnake can always hook you up. Oh, and Atlanta de Cadenet Tayolor (picture 1,3,6), daughter of John Taylor from Duran Duran, always looking stunning!



Et af de shows der har været meget hype omkring til London Fashion Week, var den tyrkiske newcomer Hakaan Yildrims kollektion. Looket var enkelt, androgynt og super sexet - ja, billederne taler vist for dig selv!

One of the shows there has been a lot of buzz around at London Fashion Week, was the Turkish newcomer Hakaan Yildrims collection! The look was simpel, androgynous, and very sexy.

Source: Vogue.fr


Sorte kjoler kan man (næsten) aldrig få for mange af, og disse to fra Opening Ceremony er super fine, og så er prisen også overkommelig!

You can (almost) never have too many black dresses, and these from Opening Ceremony are amazing!

Music and Fashion


Denne blog handler som bekendt om både musik og mode. Men det er jo ikke alle, der synes, begge emner er lige spændende! Derfor har jeg ordnet alle blogindlæg, så de enten har etiketten Fashion eller Music i menubaren i højre side.

As you know, this blog is about both music and fashion. But it's not everyone who thinks both subjects are equally interesting. Therefore, I have categorized each post so it either has the cartegory Fashion or Music in the toolbar at the right!



Jeg er ikke bleg for at indrømme, at jeg faktisk aldrig havde hørt om canadiske Daniel Snaith, der går under kunstnernavnet Caribou, før denne sang pludselig poppede op på alverdens musikblogs. Men nu hvor jeg har, skal jeg helt sikkert tjekke nogle af hans gamle albums ud, for den her sang er helt fantastisk! Hans nye album "Swim" udkommer den 19, april, og jeg glæder mig meget til at høre det!

At the moment I can't stop listening to this amazing song by the Canadian electronic musician Daniel Snaith, better known by the stage name Caribou. His new album is out in April and I can't wait.

Source: discohands

Lara and Marc

Lara Stone er alle steder, og alligevel er modebranchen ikke træt af hende! I en branche der hylder ungdom og små størrelser, skiller den 26-årige "kurvede" hollænder sig ud, og hvor er det dog forfriskende. I den nye udgave af Interview Magazine snakker Lara med Marc Jacobs om netop dette og meget andet, blandt andet hendes nylige forlovelse. Interviewet kan læses HER.

On paper, Lara Stone is everything models usually aren't. She "curvy" and old (although she is only 26, but in fashion, that's old). But even so, it seems the fashion world can't get enough of her! In the new issue of Interview Magazine Lara is featured in this stunning editorial and is interviewed by Marc Jacobs about her career and her recent engagement, and a whole lot of other stuff. You can read the interview HERE.

Source: fashiongonerogue


New stuff at Zara

Shirt: 579 kr
Pants: 1500 kr
Clogs: 800 kr
Clogs: 1000 kr
Wedges: 799 kr

Mange fine nye ting i Zara. Er ret vild med skoene på billede # 3, på den der måde hvor man synes, de er så grimme, at de er mega seje. Og så var bukserne super fine in real life.

New stuff at Zara! Kind of loving the shoes in picture # 3.


A song to lift the mood

Det er næsten umuligt ikke lade sig gå på af det triste vejr, der har sin klamme hånd om DK lige i øjeblikket, og som åbenbart ikke vil give slip! Derfor synes jeg, det er fantastisk, når sange kan få en til at drømme sig frem til sommeren, og det synes jeg virkelig denne sang fra den 21-årige Australske skater Jonathan Boulet kan!

At the moment the weather is really depressing in Denmark and it's hard not to let it get you down. At times like these I love to listen to music that takes you far away and allows you to pretend It's summer..at least until the song is over. And this song by the 21 year old Ausssie Jonathan Boulet is perfect for just that!

Source: Emodrengindiepige

Gold and diamonds are a girls best friend

Jessica Miller in Dazed & Confused March.
Photographer: Tim Richardson and Styling: Katie Shillingford

Source: Fashiongonerogue


Proenza Schouler A/W '10 details

Jack McCollough og Lazaro Hernandez er New York fashion's cool kids du jour, og det understregede de forleden i New York med deres A/W '10 kollektion. Jeg er dybt forelsket i de fantastiske sko, og så så modellerne utrolig smukke ud med mørk læbestift.

Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez er New York fashion's cool kids du jour, which they proved in New York with their A/W '10 collection. A lot of blogs have shown the collection, so I thought I'd just show some of the details! My heart is definitely pounding hard for those shoes, and the dark lipstick is amazing!
Source: Style.com

No one does it like Chloë


Amazing leather jacket!!

Source: chloe-sevigny.org



Stylingen er lidt poppet, men jeg synes, de her bukser er ret fine! Og man behøver jo ikke have røde plastik armbånd på til... Bukserne kan købes HER til 1100 kr.

I'm not too crazy about the styling in the picture, but I think the pants are pretty cool. You can buy them HERE and they cost 202 dollars.


Body hugging? Yes please


Hervé Léger by Max Azria F/W '10

Source: Style.com