Det er vist ikke til at komme udenom, at der er rigtig mange svenske piger, der har en fantastisk stil! Billederne her er fra det svenske Elle Galla der blev afholdt i fredags. De to smukke svenske modeller Frida Gustavsson og Dorothea Barth Jörgensen (billede 3 og 5 ) har begge en utrolig inspirerende stil. Og så er jeg vild med Columbine Smilles (billede 4) buksedragt.
It's an undisputable fact, that a lot of Swedish girls have an amazing sense of style! These pictures are from the Swedish Elle Galla which was held this weekend. The two beautiful models Frida Gustavsson and Dorothea Bath Jörgensen (pictures 3 and 5 ) both have an amazingly inspirering style! And I'm crazy about Columbine Smilles (picture 4 ) jumpsuit!
Source: Stockholmstreetstyle
so jealous of all who got to attend this party!! :P