Jeg synes hele tiden, jeg er lidt langsom om at få ellers planlagte musikindlæg op, men bedre sent end aldrig, ik?! Egentlig har denne sang cirkuleret på diverse blogs et års tiden, men det var først i oktober i år, at Diamond Rings aka John O'Regan udgav debutalbummet "Special Affections". Albummet består af en række super catchy electro-pop sange med referencer til 70'ernes og 80'ernes new wave. Men nok om det! Lyt til det og se om du kan lade være med at hoppe med på bølgen, for shit det smitter!
I keep planning all these different music posts, but for some reason I never get around to doing them! But better late than never, right? Anyway, I have been listening to Diamond Rings aka John O'Regan for a while, so it's about time I actually do a post about him! The song "All Yr Songs" has been doing the blog round for about a year, but it wasn't until this October that a debut album came out called "Special Affections". Amazing electro pop with references to the 70's and 80's new wave, and the songs are oh so cathy.